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[( )-667.9 (where)12.2 ( these)12.2 ( working)12.2 ( rules)12.1 ( are)12.2 ( in)12.1 ( conflict)12.2 ( with)12.1 ( any)12.1 ( newly)60 ( )]tj
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0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(shall be immediately revised, and submitted to the board of directors fo\
r approval.)tj
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(number and the term \223below\224 does not include the original number.)tj
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0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(vice presidents, the chief financial officer and secretary to the board \
of directors.)tj
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2.181 -2.462 td
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[( )-750 (these working rules shall be construed by the board of directors.)]tj
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[(the )0.5 (members )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (sustainable )0.5 (development )0.5 (committee )0.5 (shall )0.5 (rely )]tj
0.04 tc 0.07 tw -7.727 -1.231 td
[(on)12.5 ( their)12.4 ( own)12.5 ( professional)12.4 ( judgment)12.4 (,)12.4 ( to)12.5 ( express)12.4 ( opinions)12.4 ( clearly)12.5 ( and)12.5 ( independently)12.4 (,)15 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.016 tw 0 -1.231 td
(and strive to reach a consensus, whenever possible. when it is truly dif\
ficult to reach a )tj
0.006 tw 0 -1.231 td
(consensus, the sustainable development committee shall submit the differ\
ent opinions )tj
0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(with explanations to the board of directors.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.045 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
(article 17 )tj
/t1_0 1 tf
5.513 0 td
(each member of the sustainable development committee is entitled )tj
0.015 tw -7.693 -1.231 td
(to one vote. the resolutions made by the sustainable development committ\
ee must be )tj
0.028 tc 0.08 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(approved)3 ( )0.5 (by)3 ( )0.5 (more)3 ( )0.5 (than)3 ( )0.5 (half)3 ( )0.5 (of)3 ( )0.5 (its)3 ( )0.5 (total)3 ( )0.5 (members)3 ( )0.5 (by)3 ( )0.5 (voting)3 (.)3 ( )0.5 (voting)2.9 ( )0.6 (at)3 ( )0.5 (the)3 ( )0.5 (meeting)3 ( )0.5 (of)3 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 -1.231 td
(the sustainable development committee may be adopted by a show of hands \
or by a )tj
0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(poll. absent members may vote by correspondence voting.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.024 tc 2.181 -2.462 td
(article 18 )tj
/t1_0 1 tf
5.454 0 td
[(when necessary, the sustainable development committee may invite)-1 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.07 tw -7.634 -1.231 td
(other directors, supervisors, senior executives, chief officers of subsi\
diaries, relevant )tj
0.031 tw 0 -1.231 td
(persons and external intermediaries to attend the meeting as observers. \
such observers )tj
0.06 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(shall)12.1 ( have)12.2 ( no)12.1 ( voting)12.1 ( rights)12.1 (.)12.1 ( the)12.1 ( sustainable)12.1 ( development)12 ( committee)12.1 ( shall)12.1 ( sign)35 ( )]tj
0.04 tc 0 -1.231 td
[(the)12.9 ( confidentiality)12.8 ( agreement)12.9 ( with)12.9 ( any)12.8 ( intermediary)12.8 ( invited)12.9 ( to)12.9 ( provide)12.8 ( professional)15 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(opinions. the fee for the intermediary shall be paid out of the board of\
directors fund.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.04 tc 0.07 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
[(article)12.8 ( 1)12.8 (9)12.7 ( )]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
5.65 0 td
[(the)12.8 ( sustainable)12.8 ( development)12.8 ( committee)12.9 ( shall)12.8 ( report)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( adopted)15 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw -7.83 -1.231 td
(resolutions and voting results in writing to the board of directors.)tj
0.046 tc 0.07 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
[(where)12.1 ( there)12.2 ( are)12.2 ( special)12.1 ( disclosure)12.2 ( requirements)12.2 ( under)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( listing)12.2 ( rules)12.2 ( of)12.1 ( the)21 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.065 tw -2.181 -1.231 td
(place where the company is listed in respect of resolutions passed at a \
meeting of the )tj
0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(sustainable development committee, the requirements shall prevail.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.069 tc 0.07 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
[(article)12.7 ( 2)12.7 (0)12.7 ( )]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
5.97 0 td
[(the)12.7 ( office)12.8 ( of)12.7 ( the)12.8 ( board)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( directors)12.7 ( shall)12.7 ( be)12.7 ( responsible)12.8 ( for)44 ( )]tj
0.059 tc -8.15 -1.231 td
[(p)0.5 (re)0.5 (pa)0.5 (ri)0.5 (n)0.5 (g)12.9 ( t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)12.9 ( )0.5 (mi)0.5 (nu)0.5 (te)0.5 (s)13 (,)12.9 ( )0.5 (an)0.5 (d)12.9 ( )0.5 (de)0.5 (l)0.5 (iv)0.5 (er)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)12.9 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)13 ( m)0.5 (in)0.5 (ut)0.5 (es)13 ( )0.5 (to)13 ( e)0.5 (ve)0.5 (r)0.5 (y)12.9 ( )0.5 (me)0.5 (mb)0.5 (er)13 ( w)0.5 (i)0.5 (th)0.5 (in)13 ( t)0.5 (hr)0.5 (e)0.5 (e)34 ( )]tj
0.045 tc 0 -1.231 td
[(working)12.9 ( days)12.9 ( after)13 ( each)12.9 ( meeting)12.9 ( ends)12.9 (.)12.9 ( each)12.9 ( member)12.9 ( shall)12.9 ( sign)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( minutes)12.9 ( within)20 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.074 tw 0 -1.231 td
(three working days after receipt of the minutes, and deliver the signed \
minutes to the )tj
0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(office of the board of directors.)tj
0.046 tc 0.07 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
[(where)12.5 ( a)12.4 ( member)12.5 ( has)12.4 ( any)12.4 ( comments)12.5 ( or)12.5 ( dissidence)12.5 ( to)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( minutes)12.5 (,)12.5 ( he)12.5 (/)12.5 (she)12.5 ( may)21 ( )]tj
0.029 tc 0.079 tw -2.181 -1.231 td
[(refuse)4.1 ( )0.5 (to)4 ( )0.5 (sign)4 ( )0.5 (it)4 (,)4 ( )0.5 (but)4 ( )0.6 (shall)4 ( )0.5 (deliver)4 ( )0.5 (his)4 (/)4 (her)4.1 ( )0.5 (written)4 ( )0.5 (opinions)4 ( )0.5 (to)4 ( )0.5 (the)4 ( )0.5 (office)4.1 ( )0.5 (of)4 ( )0.5 (the)4.1 ( )0.5 (board)4 ( )]tj
0.04 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(of)12.6 ( directors)12.6 ( within)12.6 ( the)12.6 ( specified)12.6 ( time)12.5 ( as)12.5 ( stated)12.6 ( above)12.6 (.)12.6 ( in)12.6 ( case)12.6 ( of)12.5 ( any)12.6 ( proven)12.6 ( errors)15 ( )]tj
0 -1.231 td
[(or)12.8 ( omissions)12.8 (,)12.9 ( the)12.8 ( office)12.8 ( of)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( board)12.8 ( of)12.8 ( directors)12.8 ( shall)12.8 ( revise)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( minutes)12.8 (,)12.8 ( and)12.9 ( the)15 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(member shall sign the revised minutes.)tj
0.024 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
(the minutes of the meetings shall be kept by the office of the board of \
directors )tj
0 tw -2.181 -1.231 td
(for a period of ten years.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.003 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
[(article )0.5 (21)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
[( )-747 (all )0.5 (members )0.6 (and )0.5 (observers )0.5 (present )0.5 (at )0.5 (the )0.5 (meetings )0.5 (shall )0.6 (be )0.6 (obligated )]tj
0.027 tc 0.081 tw -2.181 -1.231 td
[(to)2 ( keep)2 ( )0.5 (matters)2 ( )0.5 (discussed)2 ( )0.5 (thereat)2 ( )0.5 (confidential)2 ( )0.5 (and)2 ( )0.5 (are)2 ( )0.5 (prohibited)2 ( )0.5 (from)2 ( )0.5 (disclosing)1.9 ( )0.5 (any)2 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(relevant information without authorization.)tj
19 0 obj
0 0 0 1 k
/perceptual ri
/gs0 gs
/t1_0 1 tf
0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm
(\226 3 \226)tj
0 tc 0 g
/gs1 gs
0 tl/fm0 do
13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.3179 tm
[(\(7\) )-664.5 (other matters authorized by the board of directors.)]tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.024 tw 0 -2.462 td
(article 11)tj
/t1_0 1 tf
[( )-726 (the sustainable development committee shall be accountable to the )]tj
0 tw -2.181 -1.231 td
(board of directors, and submit proposals to the latter for review and ap\
/t1_1 1 tf
11.791 -2.462 td
[(chapter 4 )-750 (work procedures)]tj
0.028 tc 0.08 tw -9.61 -2.462 td
[(a)0.6 (r)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 (l)0.5 (e)3 ( )0.5 (1)3 (2)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
4.54 0 td
[( )-667 (u)0.6 (n)0.5 (d)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)3 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)3 ( )0.5 (c)0.6 (o)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.6 (i)0.5 (o)0.6 (n)3 ( o)0.6 (f)3 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)3 ( )0.5 (o)0.6 (f)0.5 (f)0.6 (i)0.5 (c)0.6 (e)3 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)3.1 ( t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)3 ( )0.6 (b)0.5 (o)0.6 (a)0.5 (r)0.6 (d)3 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)3 ( )0.5 (d)0.6 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (e)0.5 (c)0.6 (t)0.5 (o)0.6 (r)0.5 (s)3 (,)3 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (e)3 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.05 tw -6.721 -1.231 td
(department of safety, quality and environment, the office and the corpor\
ate culture )tj
0.033 tc 0.075 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(department)8.1 ( and)8 ( )0.6 (other)8 ( )0.5 (relevant)8 ( )0.5 (functional)8 ( )0.5 (departments)8 ( )0.5 (of)8.1 ( )0.5 (the)8.1 ( )0.5 (company)8 ( )0.5 (shall)8 ( )0.5 (provide)8 ( )]tj
0.042 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(relevant)12.3 ( information)12.3 ( and)12.3 ( services)12.4 ( for)12.3 ( the)12.4 ( sustainable)12.3 ( development)12.4 ( committee)12.4 ( in)12.4 ( a)17 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(timely, integral and accurate manner.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.043 tc 0.07 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
[(article)12.6 ( 1)12.6 (3)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
4.654 0 td
[( )-667.3 (the)12.6 ( sustainable)12.7 ( development)12.6 ( committee)12.7 ( shall)12.6 ( convene)12.7 ( meetings)18 ( )]tj
0.024 tc 0 tw -6.834 -1.231 td
[(according to the proposals submitted by functional departments such as t\
he department)-1 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.05 tw 0 -1.231 td
(of safety, quality and environment, the office and the corporate culture\
department )tj
0.054 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(and)12.4 ( other)12.4 ( relevant)12.4 ( functional)12.5 ( departments)12.5 ( of)12.4 ( the)12.5 ( company)12.4 (,)12.5 ( review)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( same)12.5 (,)12.4 ( and)29 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(submit the review results to the board of directors.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
11.462 -2.462 td
[(chapter 5 )-750 (rules of procedure)]tj
0.08 tw -9.281 -2.462 td
(article 14)tj
/t1_0 1 tf
[( )-670 (there shall be regular and extraordinary meeting of the sustainable )]tj
0.083 tc 0.07 tw -2.181 -1.231 td
[(development)12.4 ( committee)12.4 (.)12.3 ( the)12.4 ( frequency)12.4 ( of)12.4 ( annual)12.4 ( regular)12.4 ( meetings)12.4 ( shall)12.3 ( be)58 ( )]tj
0.064 tc 0 -1.231 td
[(determined)12.6 ( in)12.5 ( accordance)12.6 ( with)12.5 ( the)12.6 ( requirements)12.6 ( of)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( board)12.5 ( of)12.6 ( directors)12.6 ( with)39 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.05 tw 0 -1.231 td
(reference to practical work needs. when the convener or more than half \(\
inclusive\) of )tj
0.026 tw 0 -1.231 td
(the members propose, an extraordinary meeting must be held. a notice of \
the meeting, )tj
0.042 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(w)0.5 (hic)0.5 (h)13 ( s)0.5 (pe)0.5 (c)0.5 (if)0.5 (ie)0.5 (s)12.9 ( )0.5 (th)0.5 (e)13 ( t)0.5 (ime)13 (,)13 ( v)0.5 (en)0.5 (ue)13 (,)13 ( a)0.5 (tt)0.5 (en)0.5 (di)0.5 (ng)13 ( p)0.5 (er)0.5 (s)0.5 (on)0.5 (s)12.9 (,)13 ( m)0.5 (et)0.5 (ho)0.5 (d)12.9 ( )0.5 (of)13 ( c)0.5 (o)0.5 (nve)0.5 (n)0.5 (in)0.5 (g)12.9 (,)13 ( d)0.5 (ur)0.5 (at)0.5 (io)0.5 (n)12.9 (,)17 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.054 tw 0 -1.231 td
(agenda, topics of the meeting, relevant information of the meeting and d\
ate of issuing )tj
0.061 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(such)12.1 ( notice)12.1 (,)12 ( shall)12.1 ( be)12.1 ( delivered)12.1 ( to)12 ( all)12.1 ( attending)12.1 ( committee)12.1 ( members)12.1 ( and)12.1 ( persons)36 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.042 tw 0 -1.231 td
(invited to attend the meeting 10 days before the meeting \(3 days for th\
e purpose of an )tj
0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(extraordinary meeting\).)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.052 tc 0.07 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
[(article)12.2 ( 1)12.2 (5)12.2 ( )]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
5.788 0 td
[(a)12.2 ( meeting)12.3 ( of)12.2 ( the)12.3 ( sustainable)12.3 ( development)12.2 ( committee)12.2 ( can)12.2 ( only)27 ( )]tj
0.041 tc -7.968 -1.231 td
[(b)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (l)0.5 (d)13 ( )0.5 (w)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)13 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.6 (n)12.9 ( )0.6 (tw)0.5 (o)13 (-)13 (t)0.6 (h)0.5 (ir)0.6 (ds)13 ( )0.6 (o)0.5 (f)13 ( t)0.5 (h)0.6 (e)13 ( )0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (m)0.5 (b)0.5 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (s)13 ( )0.5 (a)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.5 (p)0.5 (r)0.5 (e)0.5 (s)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)13 (.)13 ( )0.5 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)13 ( )0.5 (c)0.6 (o)0.5 (nv)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)13 ( )0.5 (s)0.5 (h)0.5 (a)0.5 (l)0.5 (l)16 ( )]tj
0.034 tc 0.074 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(preside)9.1 ( )0.5 (over)9 ( )0.5 (the)9 ( )0.5 (meeting)9 (.)9 ( )0.5 (if)9 ( )0.5 (the)9 ( )0.5 (convener)9.1 ( )0.5 (is)9 ( )0.5 (unable)9 ( )0.5 (to)9 ( )0.5 (attend)8.9 ( )0.5 (the)9 ( )0.5 (meeting)9 ( )0.5 (for)9 ( )0.5 (certain)9 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.231 td
(reasons, he/she may entrust another committee member in writing to presi\
de over the )tj
0.039 tw 0 -1.231 td
(meeting. the sustainable development committee may hold its meetings by \
means of )tj
0.053 tw 0 -1.231 td
(teleconference or resolution signed in writing. nevertheless, the opinio\
ns, suggestions )tj
0.066 tw 0 -1.231 td
(or voting results of the members in writing shall be scanned or faxed to\
the office of )tj
0.003 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(the board )0.5 (of directors )0.5 (at the )0.5 (date of )0.5 (meeting and )0.5 (the originals copies )0.5 (shall be )0.5 (posted to )]tj
0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(the office of the board of directors within three days.)tj
18 0 obj
0 0 0 1 k
/perceptual ri
/gs0 gs
/t1_0 1 tf
0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm
(\226 2 \226)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.038 tc 0.07 tw 13 0 0 13 85.0394 776.3179 tm
[(article)12.7 ( 8)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
4.078 0 td
[( )-667.3 (the)12.7 ( term)12.6 ( of)12.7 ( office)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( members)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( sustainable)12.7 ( development)13 ( )]tj
0.057 tc -6.259 -1.231 td
[(committee)12.9 ( is)12.8 ( consistent)12.7 ( with)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( term)12.9 ( of)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( board)12.9 ( of)12.8 ( directors)12.7 (.)12.9 ( the)12.8 ( committee)32.1 ( )]tj
0.044 tc 0 -1.231 td
[(members)12.8 ( shall)12.8 ( be)12.9 ( re)12.9 (-)12.8 (elected)12.9 ( after)12.8 ( their)12.8 ( term)12.9 ( expires)12.8 (.)12.9 ( if)12.8 ( a)12.9 ( sustainable)12.9 ( development)19 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.053 tw 0 -1.231 td
(committee member ceases to be a director of the company during the term \
of office, )tj
0.005 tw 0 -1.231 td
(he/she shall be automatically disqualified as a member of the sustainabl\
e development )tj
0.048 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(committee)12.2 (,)12.2 ( and)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( board)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( directors)12.2 ( shall)12.3 ( fill)12.2 ( such)12.2 ( vacancy)12.3 ( in)12.2 ( accordance)12.3 ( with)23 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(articles 4 to 6 aforementioned.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.021 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
(article 9 )tj
/t1_0 1 tf
4.964 0 td
(the office of the board of directors shall be responsible for handling )tj
0.032 tc 0.076 tw -7.145 -1.231 td
[(liasion)6.9 ( )0.6 (of)7 ( )0.5 (the)7 ( )0.5 (daily)7 ( )0.5 (work)7 ( )0.5 (of)7 ( )0.5 (the)7 ( )0.5 (sustainable)7.1 ( )0.5 (development)7 ( )0.5 (committee)7 ( )0.6 (and)7 ( )0.5 (organizing)7 ( )]tj
0.054 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(meetings)12.5 ( of)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( sustainable)12.5 ( development)12.4 ( committee)12.5 (.)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( department)12.4 ( of)12.5 ( safety)12.5 (,)29 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.065 tw 0 -1.231 td
(quality and environment, the office and the corporate culture department\
and other )tj
0.03 tc 0.078 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(relevant)5 ( )0.5 (functional)5 ( )0.5 (departments)5 ( )0.5 (of)5.1 ( )0.5 (the)5 ( )0.5 (company)5 ( )0.5 (are)5 ( )0.5 (the)5 ( )0.5 (institutions)5 ( )0.5 (that)5.1 ( )0.5 (assist)5 ( )0.5 (in)5 ( )0.5 (the)5 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(daily work of the sustainable development committee.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
8.563 -2.462 td
[(chapter 3 )-750 (responsibilities and authorities)]tj
0.043 tc 0.07 tw -6.382 -2.462 td
[(article)12.4 ( 1)12.5 (0)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
4.656 0 td
[( )-667.5 (the)12.5 ( sustainable)12.5 ( development)12.4 ( committee)12.4 ( exercises)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( following)18 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw -6.836 -1.231 td
(responsibilities and authorities:)tj
0.043 tc 0.07 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
[(\()18 (1)18 (\))18 ( )-576.5 (to)12.2 ( provide)12.2 ( recommendations)12.3 ( to)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( board)12.2 ( of)12.2 ( directors)12.3 ( about)12.3 ( the)12.2 ( relevant)18 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.046 tw 2.181 -1.231 td
(objects, strategies, plans and material decisions for sustainable develo\
pment )tj
0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(of the company \(including environment, social, and governance\);)tj
0.043 tc 0.07 tw -2.181 -2.462 td
[(\()18 (2)18 (\))18 ( )-576.5 (to)12.7 ( supervise)12.7 ( the)12.8 ( implementation)12.8 ( and)12.7 ( progress)12.7 ( for)12.7 ( strategies)12.7 ( and)12.7 ( plans)12.7 ( for)18 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 2.181 -1.231 td
(sustainable development of the company;)tj
0.054 tc 0.07 tw -2.181 -2.462 td
[(\()29 (3)29 (\))29 ( )-565.5 (to)12.2 ( supervise)12.3 ( the)12.2 ( commitments)12.3 ( and)12.3 ( performance)12.3 ( of)12.2 ( the)12.3 ( company)12.2 ( on)12.3 ( key)29 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 2.181 -1.231 td
(issues such as climate change, protection of health and performance of s\
ocial )tj
0 -1.231 td
(responsibility and to provide recommendations to the board of directors;\
0.033 tc 0.075 tw -2.181 -2.462 td
[(\()8 (4)8 (\))8 ( )-581.5 (to)8 ( )0.5 (focus)8 ( )0.5 (on)8 ( )0.5 (the)8 ( )0.5 (significant)8 ( )0.5 (information)8 ( )0.5 (on)8 ( )0.5 (sustainable)8 ( )0.5 (development)8 ( )0.5 (related)8 ( )]tj
0.063 tc 0.07 tw 2.181 -1.231 td
[(to)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( business)12.3 ( of)12.2 ( the)12.2 ( company)12.2 ( and)12.2 ( research)12.2 ( into)12.2 ( relevant)12.3 ( sustainable)38.1 ( )]tj
0.036 tc 0.072 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(development)11 ( )0.5 (matters)11 ( )0.5 (of)11 ( )0.5 (the)11 ( )0.5 (company)11 (,)11 ( )0.5 (and)11 ( )0.6 (to)11 ( )0.5 (provide)11 ( )0.5 (recommendations)11.1 ( )0.5 (to)11 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(the board of directors;)tj
0.061 tw -2.181 -2.462 td
[(\(5\) )-603.5 (to consider the environment, social and governance report \(esg report\)\
of )]tj
0.015 tw 2.181 -1.231 td
(the company or social responsibility report and to provide recommendatio\
ns )tj
0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(to the board of directors;)tj
0.045 tc 0.07 tw -2.181 -2.462 td
[(\()20 (6)20 (\))20 ( )-574.5 (other)12.3 ( authorities)12.4 ( exercisable)12.4 ( by)12.3 ( the)12.4 ( sustainable)12.4 ( development)12.4 ( committee)20 ( )]tj
0.064 tc 2.181 -1.231 td
[(specified)12.8 ( or)12.9 ( recommended)12.8 ( by)12.8 ( the)12.9 ( listing)12.8 ( rules)12.8 ( in)12.8 ( the)12.9 ( region)12.8 ( where)12.9 ( the)39 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.044 tw 0 -1.231 td
(company\222s shares are listed \(including the authorities recommended \
by the )tj
0.027 tw 0 -1.231 td
(provisions in the environmental, social and governance reporting guide a\
s )tj
0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(set out in appendix 27 of the hong kong listing rules\);)tj
13 0 obj
0 0 0 1 k
/perceptual ri
/gs0 gs
/t1_0 1 tf
0.025 tc 12 0 0 12 285.0378 18.7502 tm
(\226 1 \226)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
15 0 0 15 74.1401 775.0569 tm
(working rules for the sustainable development committee of the )tj
-0.3 -1.333 td
(board of directors of the metallurgical corporation of china ltd.*)tj
13 0 0 13 205.8652 723.057 tm
[(chapter 1 )-750 (general provisions)]tj
0.045 tc 0.07 tw -9.294 -2.462 td
[(article)12.6 ( 1)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
4.142 0 td
[( )-667.3 (in)12.7 ( order)12.7 ( to)12.7 ( strengthen)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( management)12.7 ( capability)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( metallurgical)20 ( )]tj
0.026 tc 0.082 tw -6.322 -1.231 td
[(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.5 (p)0.5 (o)0.5 (r)0.6 (a)0.5 (t)0.5 (i)0.5 (o)0.5 (n)1 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)1 ( )0.5 (c)0.5 (h)0.5 (i)0.5 (n)0.6 (a)1 ( )0.5 (l)0.5 (t)0.5 (d)1 (.)1 ( )0.5 (\()1 (t)0.5 (h)0.5 (e)1 ( )0.5 (\223)]tj
/t1_1 1 tf
-0.026 tw 14.165 0 td
[(m)0.5 (c)0.5 (c)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
0.025 tc 0.083 tw 2.464 0 td
[(\224 )0.5 (or )0.5 (the )0.5 (\223)]tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.026 tc -0.026 tw [(c)0.5 (o)0.5 (m)0.5 (p)0.5 (a)0.5 (n)0.5 (y)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
0.082 tw 8.537 0 td
[(\224)1 (\))1 ( )0.5 (i)0.5 (n)1 ( )0.5 (t)0.6 (e)0.5 (r)0.5 (m)0.5 (s)1 ( )0.5 (o)0.5 (f)1 ( )0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (v)0.5 (i)0.5 (r)0.6 (o)0.5 (n)0.5 (m)0.5 (e)0.5 (n)0.5 (t)1 (,)1 ( )]tj
0.032 tc 0.076 tw -25.166 -1.231 td
[(social)7 (,)7 ( )0.5 (and)7 ( )0.5 (governance)7 ( )0.5 (and)7 ( )0.5 (to)7 ( )0.5 (improve)7 ( )0.5 (the)7 ( )0.5 (capability)7 ( )0.5 (for)7 ( )0.5 (sustainable)7 ( )0.5 (development)7 ( )0.5 (of)7 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.074 tw 0 -1.231 td
(the company, and to better facilitate the board\222s management and supe\
rvision on the )tj
0.083 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(environment, social, )0.5 (and )0.5 (governance )0.5 (aspects )0.5 (of )0.5 (the )0.5 (company. )0.5 (according )0.5 (to )0.5 (the )0.5 (latest )]tj
0.045 tc 0.07 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(requirements)12.9 ( of)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( compa)0.5 (ny)12.9 ( l)0.5 (aw)12.9 ( of)12.9 ( the)12.9 ( people)12.9 (\222)12.9 (s)12.9 ( republic)12.9 ( of)12.9 ( china)12.9 ( \()]tj
/c0_0 1 tf
0.032 tc -0.032 tw 31.94 0 td
0.025 tc -0.025 tw -31.94 -1.231 td
/t1_0 1 tf
0.031 tc 0.077 tw [(\))6 (,)6 ( )0.5 (articles)6.1 ( )0.5 (of)6 ( )0.5 (association)6 ( )0.6 (of)6 ( )0.5 (metallurgical)6 ( )0.5 (corporation)6 ( )0.5 (of)6.1 ( )0.5 (china)6 ( )0.5 (ltd)6 (.)6 ( )0.5 (\()]tj
/c0_0 1 tf
0 tc 0 tw 36.068 0 td
0.043 tc -0.043 tw -36.068 -1.231 td
/t1_0 1 tf
0.056 tc 0.07 tw [(\))12.8 (,)12.8 ( rules)12.8 ( of)12.8 ( procedure)12.8 ( for)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( board)12.8 ( of)12.8 ( directors)12.8 ( of)31 ( )]tj
0.046 tc 0 -1.231 td
[(china)12.7 ( metallurgical)12.7 ( group)12.7 ( corporation)12.8 ( \()]tj
/c0_0 1 tf
0.033 tc -0.033 tw 18.502 0 td
0 tc 0 tw -18.502 -1.231 td
/t1_0 1 tf
0.025 tc 0.004 tw 1.025 0 td
(\), and the rules governing the listing of securities on the stock excha\
nge of hong )tj
0.06 tw -1.025 -1.231 td
(kong limited \(revised from time to time\) \(hereinafter referred to as \
the \223)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
[(hong )0.5 (kong )]tj
0.033 tc 0.075 tw 0 -1.231 td
[(listing)8 ( )0.5 (rules)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
6.127 0 td
[(\224)8 (\))8 (,)8 ( )0.5 (the)8.1 ( )0.5 (board)8 ( )0.5 (established)8 ( )0.5 (the)8.1 ( )0.5 (sustainable)8 ( )0.5 (development)8 ( )0.5 (committee)8 ( )0.5 (and)8 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw -6.127 -1.231 td
(formulated the working rules.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.062 tc 0.07 tw 2.18 -2.462 td
[(article)12.3 ( 2)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
4.298 0 td
[( )-667.7 (the)12.3 ( sustainable)12.3 ( development)12.2 ( committee)12.3 ( shall)12.3 ( be)12.3 ( a)12.3 ( specialized)37 ( )]tj
0.07 tc -6.478 -1.231 td
[(committee)12.3 ( established)12.4 ( by)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( board)12.3 ( of)12.3 ( directors)12.4 ( for)12.4 ( providing)12.3 ( consultation)12.3 ( or)45 ( )]tj
0.055 tc 0 -1.231 td
[(recommendation)12.7 ( to)12.7 ( the)12.6 ( board)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( directors)12.7 ( in)12.7 ( respect)12.7 ( of)12.7 ( sustainable)12.7 ( development)30 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(decision making, and shall be accountable and report to the board of dir\
/t1_1 1 tf
0.048 tw 2.18 -2.462 td
(article 3)tj
/t1_0 1 tf
[( )-702 (the working rules fall under the first level of the company\222s policy \
0.038 tw -2.18 -1.231 td
(system. the working rules are applicable to the sustainable development \
committee )tj
0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(and relevant departments and personnel involved in the rules.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
12.909 -2.462 td
[(chapter 2 )-750 (composition)]tj
0.048 tc 0.07 tw -10.729 -2.462 td
[(art)0.5 (icle)12.9 ( 4)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
4.166 0 td
[( )-667.1 (the)13 ( susta)0.5 (inable)13 ( deve)0.5 (lopment)12.9 ( )0.5 (committe)0.5 (e)12.9 ( sha)0.5 (ll)12.9 ( cons)0.5 (ist)12.9 ( of)12.9 ( )0.5 (three)12.9 ( t)0.5 (o)23 ( )]tj
0.038 tc -6.347 -1.231 td
[(five)12.7 ( directors)12.8 (,)12.7 ( and)12.8 ( the)12.8 ( director)12.7 ( who)12.7 ( acts)12.7 ( as)12.7 ( the)12.7 ( chairman)12.7 ( shall)12.8 ( be)12.7 ( a)12.7 ( member)12.8 ( of)12.7 ( the)13 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(sustainable development committee.)tj
/t1_1 1 tf
0.041 tc 0.07 tw 2.18 -2.462 td
[(article)12.9 ( 5)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
4.104 0 td
[( )-667.2 (the)12.8 ( sustainable)12.8 ( development)12.8 ( committee)12.8 ( shall)12.8 ( have)12.8 ( one)12.8 ( convener)12.8 (,)16 ( )]tj
0.067 tc -6.284 -1.231 td
[(who)12.3 ( shall)12.3 ( be)12.3 ( responsible)12.3 ( for)12.3 ( convening)12.3 ( and)12.3 ( presiding)12.3 ( over)12.4 ( the)12.4 ( meetings)12.3 ( of)12.4 ( the)42 ( )]tj
0.025 tc -0.025 tw 0 -1.231 td
/t1_1 1 tf
0.045 tc 0.07 tw 2.18 -2.462 td
[(article)12.5 ( 6)12.5 ( )]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
5.175 0 td
[(the)12.5 ( members)12.5 ( of)12.5 ( the)12.5 ( sustainable)12.5 ( development)12.5 ( committee)12.6 ( shall)12.5 ( be)20 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0 tw -7.356 -1.231 td
(nominated by the chairman, and deliberated and approved by the board of \
/t1_1 1 tf
0.039 tc 0.07 tw 2.181 -2.462 td
[(article)12.3 ( 7)]tj
/t1_0 1 tf
4.091 0 td
[( )-667.7 (any)12.3 ( member)12.3 ( of)12.3 ( the)12.3 ( sustainable)12.3 ( development)12.3 ( committee)12.3 ( may)12.3 ( hold)14 ( )]tj
0.025 tc 0.049 tw -6.271 -1.231 td
(positions in any other special committees of the board concurrently, pro\
vided that he/)tj
0 tw 0 -1.231 td
(she has sufficient capacity of discharging his/her duties.)tj
15 0 obj
29 0 obj
[30 0 r]
30 0 obj
31 0 obj
32 0 obj
33 0 obj
,l� ��fa�#�b$�d�i���h�˄]%� ��%���,xua��"��
34 0 obj
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doa/q-�p��gկ�;��<�uyikyڊ���~�'��5�)�-*�������� 2la�a0r&��ab8h��t��u0�s^�����`��;�i
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35 0 obj
0 36
0000000000 65535 f
0000000016 00000 n
0000000154 00000 n
0000002785 00000 n
0000000000 00000 f
0000002861 00000 n
0000003959 00000 n
0000005045 00000 n
0000006240 00000 n
0000002711 00000 n
0000002744 00000 n
0000057236 00000 n
0000007435 00000 n
0000043504 00000 n
0000025628 00000 n
0000050019 00000 n
0000011723 00000 n
0000012275 00000 n
0000037959 00000 n
0000031924 00000 n
0000025739 00000 n
0000011586 00000 n
0000025852 00000 n
0000008631 00000 n
0000018123 00000 n
0000018643 00000 n
0000012708 00000 n
0000013119 00000 n
0000019248 00000 n
0000050137 00000 n
0000050162 00000 n
0000050295 00000 n
0000050360 00000 n
0000050633 00000 n
0000050787 00000 n
0000057340 00000 n