qu yang attends world ice and snow economy of cold regions conference-j9九游会网址

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qu yang attends world ice and snow economy of cold regions conference
source: author:domestic marketing department, shanghai baoye release time:2023-11-22
on november 17, the world ice and snow economy of cold regions conference opened in changchun. wang yong, vice chairman of the cppcc, attended the event and delivered a keynote speech. jing junhai, secretary of the cpc jilin provincial committee, delivered a speech. qu yang, member of the standing committee of the party committee of mcc and china mcc and vice president of china mcc, was invited to attend the opening ceremony on behalf of the china minmetals.

  it is reported that this conference is an external window to display china's ice and snow resources in cold regions and an international platform to promote world ice and snow economic cooperation. it is an important measure to solidly promote the opening of the belt and road initiative to the north. a series of activities will be held around the theme of "gather ice and snow economies for a shared future of cold regions", aiming at forming a brand-new starting point for comprehensively deepening world ice and snow economic cooperation of cold regions and promoting the construction of "ice and snow silk road".

  on the same day, qu yang was invited to attend the central-local cooperation forum held by the cpc jilin provincial committee and people's government of jilin province, and witnessed the signing of the cooperation framework agreement between the people's government of jilin province and relevant central enterprises.

  heads of relevant subsidiaries of mcc participated in the above activities.

scene of the opening ceremony of the world ice and snow economy of cold regions conference

scene of the activity of the central-local cooperation forum

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