the leaders of mcc visit senior comrades and experts on the eve of the spring festival-j9九游会网址

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the leaders of mcc visit senior comrades and experts on the eve of the spring festival
source:party-masses work department author:publicity sector release time:2024-02-06

  on the eve of the lunar new year, chen jianguang, member of the party leadership group and deputy general manager of china minmetals, secretary of the party committee of mcc, and chairman of mcc and china mcc, and yan aizhong, deputy secretary of the party committee of mcc and china mcc, visited to zhao xiangan, li ruogui, li shuchen, wang chengyi, and yang shaohe, senior comrades and experts of mcc, respectively in beijing and shanghai from february 4 to 5, thanking them for their contributions to the reform and development of mcc and extending sincere holiday greetings to them.

  chen jianguang visited four senior comrades in zhao xiangan, li ruogui, li shuchen, and wang chengyi's home successively, concerned about their physical and work life conditions, and introduced the business achievements of mcc in 2023 and its work plan for a period of time to come. chen jianguang said that in 2023, mcc thoroughly studied and implemented xi jinping's thought on socialism with chinese characteristics for the new era and the spirit of the 20th national congress of the communist party of china, focused on the goal of "one establishment, the best and the most trusted, and five strengths", focused on high-quality development, and took the courage to take responsibility and take the initiative. the newly signed contract value continued to rise, the operating income hit a new high in the same period, the total profit increased steadily, and all work made steady progress and improved quality. these achievements have gathered the hard work and dedication of the majority of cadres and employees, the wisdom and concern of senior comrades and experts, and the understanding and support of the majority of cadres and employees' families.

  chen jianguang pointed out that 2024 is a crucial year for the implementation of the "14th five-year plan". mcc will continue to adhere to the general tone of seeking progress while maintaining stability, and focus on high-quality development, enhancing core functions and improving core competitiveness, and the goal of "one establishment, the best and the most trusted, and five strengths", concentrating on promoting the re-transformation and upgrading of enterprises. it is hoped that the senior comrades and experts will give full play to their advantages, care for and support the work of mcc as always, and make joint efforts to promote the high-quality development of mcc. mcc will continue to strengthen its faith and forge ahead, and pass on the precious spiritual wealth created by senior comrades and experts from generation to generation.

  yan aizhong visited yang shaohe, a retired cadre, and asked him about his recent life, health condition, and existing difficulties. he sent him warm care and new year greetings, and told him to have a good rest, take good care of himself, keep a positive and optimistic attitude at all times, and keep shining.

  these senior comrades and experts expressed their heartfelt thanks to mcc for its long-term concern and care, highly affirmed its development achievements in recent years, and said that they would, as always, care for and support all the work of mcc, give full play to continue to contribute wisdom and strength to the high-quality development of mcc, and sincerely wish mcc more brilliant achievements in the new year.

  wang zhen, zhu yonggui, liu cheng, wei jiaming, and han bing, principals of relevant functional departments and subsidiaries of mcc headquarters, attended the visit activity.

chen jianguang visits zhao xiangan

chen jianguang visits li ruogui

chen jianguang visits li shuchen

chen jianguang visits wang chengyi

yan aizhong visits yang shaohe

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